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“Technology integration” tends to communicate the idea that technology is a separate part of education that needs to be incorporated into teaching.

Technology is simply a tool that educators can utilize to assist children in the learning process. I feel that technology needs to be infused into education the same way that it is infused into the students’ everyday lives. It should be used seamlessly so that it is not seen as a separate element. This is an ultimate goal, and we need to take appropriate steps to make this a reality.

By infusing technology in education, we will enable students to collaborate. There are many technology tools that allow students to connect with others. These tools, such as WEB 2.0 and other technology tools, can be used to create in order to demonstrate understanding of a concept, share ideas and viewpoints, and find creative ways to convey a message.

The use of technology also supports inquiry based learning and experiential learning, a guiding principle of friends education. When students are presented with inquiry based learning activities, they can use technology in order to construct their learning. It also offers resources for students to be lifelong learners. Students can use technology tools to continue to learn about a subject or concept. They can also form learning networks and to share with others and express their own ideas and thoughts.

The overall goal is to utilize the technology to reach and teach every child that enters the classroom in the most effective and nurturing way possible.

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